
SkillsFuture for Business

In collaboration with


Identify suitable courses and initiatives

Choose a SkillsFuture course or programme suitable for your business' training plans, or to catch up on industry trends.

Course Directory and e-Adviser for Skills Training

  • Course Directory
    Choose your desired training area from a wide range of SSG-funded courses such as Workforce Skills Qualification (WSQ) courses or short courses in emerging areas and Critical Core Skills (soft skills).

  • e-Adviser for Skills Training
    For business owners to get personalised recommendations on skills training courses and SkillsFuture initiatives relevant for your business as part of the SkillsFuture Movement.

Leverage on existing SkillsFuture initiatives and resources

Factors to consider when choosing training courses

  • Course admission requirements
  • Eligibility criteria
  • Track record of training provider based on learners’ reviews on the quality of training
  • Course duration
  • Level of funding support: See our funding guide on subsidies and funding.

Next steps to register

Contact the training provider to confirm the following:

  • Course admission criteria (if any)
  • Course schedule
  • Funding eligibility of your organisation (SME status) and the employees you intend to register for the course(s)
  • Whether the course is eligible for SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC) and Absentee Payroll (AP) funding
  • The net out-of-pocket amount you need to pay (after the subsidies are applied) and GST

Once you have identified your skills needs and registered your employees for the training courses, you can proceed to attend the relevant courses and submit your absentee payroll claims, where applicable.
