
SkillsFuture for Business

In collaboration with


Build a workplace learning culture

Learn how to foster a culture of continuous learning at the workplace, and get accreditated for fast-tracked skills certifications.

Equip your workforce to meet changing job demands and stay competitive for the future through the SkillsFuture Series. It comprises a comprehensive curation of modular courses covering emerging skills in the four economic growth pillars (Digital, Green, Care, and Industry 4.0).

How to build a workplace learning culture

As most learnings happen at the workplace, you might want to consider putting a structured process to harness the rich collaborative learning among your employees and optimise work performance.

You can approach: National Centre of Excellence for Workplace Learning (NACE) which offers training and consultancy to help companies set up workplace learning systems based on leading practices from Germany and Switzerland.

Already have an established workplace learning system?

Get recognised for your workplace learning efforts through the Workplace Learning:READY (WPL:READY) initiative, and help your workers get fast-tracked skills certifications through the Workplace Skills Recognition (WPSR) programme.

NACE has launched a new WPL:READY mark, which is a new foundational-level workplace learning certification targeted at helping SMEs develop effective on-the-job learning processes. Certified companies can work with SSG’s appointed training partners to formally recognise the skills their workers trained on-the-job, without the need for further external training.

Find out more about the certification process, and the Workplace Skills Recognition programme.
